
Metalac and Pioniri – Disrupt Award: From a Single Tweet to Evening News


Disrupt Award event was held on Friday, 1 April 2022, at the Legacy of Jevrem Gajic.
In the Industry and Manufacturing category, in the subcategory Communication, this year’s first award went to Metalac and the Pioniri Communications agency for the case “From a Tweet to Evening News”.
This is a tweet that won the hearts of social network users and placed the cookware under the spotlight. There were more than 80 participants in the finals, 10 of which were in the same subcategory as Metalac and Pioniri.


DISRUPT is an award that a jury, consisting of renowned professionals from various fields, gives to companies, institutions, agencies, media outlets, non-governmental organizations, as well as individuals, whose projects stood out during the previous year. This year, the Disrupt Awards received a record number of applications for projects in various fields that could be classified as appropriate for Disrupt.
For the second year in a row, the award is given to innovative communication solutions that promote projects and facilitate societal development.



