Business results that we have achieved in the first half of 2022 will confirm that the trend of successful operations has continued. Some were questioning how this can be possible in conditions that were not in any way favorable, considering the increase in prices of all raw materials and energy, the instability due to the war in Ukraine that has negatively affected two Metalac companies in Moscow and Kiev, the increased cost of living, the trend of falling standard of living experienced by citizens, fear of the future… What is it that makes the business of Metalac successful in such circumstances? What exactly does it mean in real and relative parameters? In what direction are we moving, in the long term, and is that even possible to perceive today? What can our employees hope for when life is becoming increasingly expensive again, while the uncertainty on a greater scale is on the rise? We sought answers to these and other important questions from Radmila Trifunovic, after two years at her current position of general director of Metalac a.d.

The world has completely changed in the last two years and these changes are visible in almost every aspect of business and life itself. “Something was definitely coming our way”, as it was said in our MGM Report for 2021. I think that we are still only guessing what that thing is and in what direction it will take the global economy and the life of people on this planet. Let us remind ourselves that only two years ago it seemed a little absurd to us that the time would come when only three things would be in focus – energy, logistics and information. Jobs that exist now will gradually disappear, and new ones will appear which are now completely unknown to us. We cannot know how the powerful will divide the spheres of their influence, but for us, major changes that require adjustments have already begun. Metalac understood this very well – this is the beginning of our conversation, which only briefly examined the context in which everyone’s history, including us, is written today.
You can read the rest of the interview in Metalac Newsletter, June 2022, pages 2-3. 2-3.