Right before the Eurovision song finals and the excellent result of our country’s representative, Konstrakta, on Saturday May 14, 2022, Metalac announced on its social network accounts that all 500 sets of enameled bowls and jugs were sold, raising 2.5 million dinars for children with cancer. Metalac and Konstrakta have achieved their humanitarian goal. The raised money will be donated via the Metalac Foundation to the National Association of Parents of Children with Cancer (NURDOR). Judging by the tweet posted by one of the NURDOR employees, nearly 20,000 euros will be used for construction of a new Parents’ House in Belgrade, where children suffering from cancer, from all parts of Serbia, will stay during their treatments.

During the past several weeks, the perception of the domestic public was focused on keywords such as: Artist, bowl, jug, one domestic company, song, competition, campaign. Epilogue? 2.5 million dinars for the National Association of Parents of Children with Cancer (NURDOR). The last, 500th set was sold on the eve of the Eurovision song contest finals. These sets were designed by Metalac in cooperation with Konstrakta, in an unusual but beautifully fruitful combination of an artist and a cookware manufacturer. With her sincere and unconventional performance, Konstrakta earned the high fifth place at the competition, but the Eurovision audience probably does not know that Ana Djuric, in cooperation with Metalac, has won the first place in the hearts all children who are battling with this serious illness. The humanitarian epilogue of a story about a bowl and a jug, an artist and cookware manufacturer, will certainly be remembered when all the impressions of the previous days are summed up, including the explosive communication on social networks that will undoubtedly be viewed as a sociological phenomenon one day in the future.
Buyers who have bought the sets during advance sales will be able to take them home after May 25 at selected retail outlets. Company’s contact center will inform the buyers by telephone or email when their sets become available in the Metalac Market store that they had selected during ordering. Metalac and Ana Djuric Konstrakta are grateful to everyone who participated in this humanitarian campaign with a timeless message: “Let’s Keep Our Children Healthy!”